Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Activism Log # 5

Seabury Stoneburner

Nina Perez

WST 3015

23 March 2010

Activism Log 5


As the project goes on, I feel as if I am becoming more active with spreading the awareness of Animal Safehouse of Brevard’s goals. Last Friday, Janet, Katelyn, and I helped out Animal Safehouse at the Green Wave event on Memory Mall at UCF. We met at two o’clock and waited our community partner, Babette. The even itself did not start until three o’clock, however, we got there early to help Babette set up the tent and get things rolling. While I was there for a few hours, people came by the tent taking fliers and writing their email addresses down to get more information. The event went smoothly and it was a great opportunity for Animal Safehouse to share their concerns for abused women and their pets.


As I think about the point of Animal Safehouse of Brevard, which is to help women get out of their abusive homes and foster their pets in the mean time, I can’t help but connect it to Aurora Morales’ “Radical Pleasure: Sex and the End of Victimhood” story. I believe we are giving women a chance to go out and reclaim their sex. This is important because “it is part of aliveness” (284). Women who have been victimized need to reclaim their sexuality and try to regain their life back. This article really relates to the opportunities Animal Safehouse is trying to give to abuse women.


While working with Animal Safehouse of Brevard, I have become more aware with how real these stories of abused women are. I hear about them, but seeing legit facts and statistics makes the reality of the stories more real. It really opened my eyes when I was looking at these bracelets our tent had during the UCF event. Each bracelet had facts about families that were victims. I felt a huge hole in my heart when I saw that many of the ages were around mine or younger. My continuing activism with this project is teaching me everyday and I am feeling better that I am trying to make a change for women.

Morales, Aurora Levins. "Radical Pleasure: Sex and the End of Victimhood." Women's Lives Multicultural Perspectives. 5th Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010. 283-284.

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