Saturday, March 20, 2010

Activism Log # 4

Seabury Stoneburner

Nina Perez

WST 3015

20 March 2010

Activism Log 4


Still cranking through this project and everything seems to be coming together quite well. We still have one venue guaranteed for our event and still waiting about a possible second venue. Fingers crossed that the second one works out because I personally believe the more opportunities for people to sign up to become a foster parent, the better. Last week I decided to collect donations while I was home for spring break in Jacksonville. I was able to collect a good number of supplies, such as collars, leashes, and toys. I cannot wait to get those items to Animal Safehouse for the future foster parents and their pets.


Every small contribution helps towards accomplishing a goal. My group members and I are doing all we can do to help Animal Safehouse collect donations and foster parents. While I am helping out the group, I seem to always come across new statistics and surprising facts about abused women. I feel terrible when I hear about some of the conditions of the victim-hood these women and their families are experiencing. “For many women and children, however, home is not a safe place but one where they experience emotional or physical violence” (260). I am glad to know that I am helping to encourage women to leave these horrible environments.


Working with Animal Safehouse has been a fulfilling experience. The times I have met up to help them at dog parks and such, makes me feel like I am actually getting more involved and understanding more and more about the program. The more I am around others who are involved, the more I learn and feel more comfortable telling others about the program. I am excited for future events with Animal Safehouse and helping out the women and their pets, who are in need.

Kirk, Gwyn and Okazawa-Rey, Margo. "Violence Against Women." Women's Lives Multicultural Perspectives. 5th Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010. 257-273.

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