Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Activism Log # 9

Seabury Stoneburner

Nina Perez

WST 3015

21 April 2010

Activism Log 9


It has been a little over a week now since our donation drive at Louie and Maria’s Italian Restaurant. Animal Safehouse of Brevard’s director, Arielle, was amazed with all the donations we collected throughout the past months. Since our main focus on the project had come and gone, my activism slowed down a little, not to mention the schoolwork load has gotten really heavy with the semester ending. Even though the donation drive is over, I am still suggesting to others that Animal Safehouse could always use some extra supplies if anyone has extras that they no longer use. Knowing how much our donations meant to the program, I want to make sure to spread the awareness among my friends and relatives. I want to continuing spreading the importance of how Animal Safehouse helps women and families that suffer domestic violence.


Even though the event is still over, I think it is important I still spread the word of what exactly Animal Safehouse of Brevard does. In the past few months I informed a number of people, just in a few months. If I continue spreading the awareness just think of the amount of people who will know. The continuing of spreading of the awareness and having others contribute is similar to what Seeley is stated in her chapter ‘Catch A Wave’: “Most of all, we must recognize that we can join together in this movement- for its future and ours” (51). Hopefully our activism will lower the future statistics of domestic violence.


Overall, I still am proud of our group for being successful throughout the semester. We followed Seeley’s guidelines about how to spread activism and accomplished a lot. It was slow getting started but in the past month our awareness spread like a wild fire and the donations came soaring in. I feel as if a lot was accomplished by providing Animal Safehouse with many donations and spreading the awareness of domestic-home violence against women.

Seely, Megan. Fight Like a Girl: How to be a Fearless Feminist. New York and London: New York UP, 2007. Print.

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