Monday, April 12, 2010

Activism Log # 8

Seabury Stoneburner

Nina Perez

WST 3015

12 April 2010

Activism Log 8


Finally, we had our “Donation Drive for Animal Safehouse of Brevard” event at Louie and Maria’s Italian Restaurant. The purpose was to collect donations to provide to foster parents and, more importantly, to encourage guests to become foster parents for the Animal Safehouse of Brevard. I brought all the donations I had collected through the past months so we could make sure they were all together. With the combination of everyone’s donations, we were able to see just how much our group has done for this program. We knew that obtaining foster parents would be a little challenging; however, I was impressed with the amount of supplies people donation to help. I feel pretty proud of our group for all the hard work that went into making this event possible and, of course, successful.


After the event, I seemed to connect more with what our class has talked about throughout the semester. The guidelines from Fight Like A Girl were definitely a helpful resource with planning it. Our event was successful; however, I would not say that it was the best attend thing. In Fight Like A Girl, it states that it doesn’t matter how large an event is only the impact: “No act is too small; you may never know the full extend of your impact. Activism is contagious. While you may be one person, your voice and actions can touch others, whose voices and actions can touch others, and so forth” (Seeley 16). This statement is very true. We spread our awareness to those who came to the drive and then they can help us by spreading it to others they know, like a domino affect.


The success at Louie and Maria’s Italian Restaurant demonstrated all the hard work the group has put into spreading the awareness of abused women and their loving pets. I could not help but feel some sort of accomplishment when I saw the amount of supplies we were able to give to Animal Safehouse of Brevard. As a group, we were able to spread the awareness of domestic-home violence against women. The award given to us in the end was a successful event that we worked very hard on.

Seely, Megan. Fight Like a Girl: How to be a Fearless Feminist. New York and London: New York UP, 2007. Print.

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