Monday, April 26, 2010

Activism Log # 10

Seabury Stoneburner

Nina Perez

WST 3015

26 April 2010

Activism Log 10


Now the project has come to an end. My group just gave our presentation, summarizing our semester, to the class a few hours ago. It went well and I think we actually continued spreading the awareness. Yes, all the students within the class know about domestic-home violence and such; however, I believe most of them were not aware of Animal Safehouse of Brevard. It was great expressing to the class all the hard work my group and I put into this project. I was happy to share with them how much the organization affected me and how I am planning on helping them out will I finish the rest of the year in Florida. Even though our legit project was over, I thought sharing everything to the class was just as active as the past semester.


Looking back on this past semester I feel a great source of accomplishment. It seemed like everyday I was learning more and more from Animal Safehouse and the classroom. Since I have been active and trying to spread the awareness to everyone, I have been hoping that higher people might over hear us at one point and make the organization even more well know, “An increase in government funding and increasing professionalization of work involving violence against women may be seen as major success” (Kirk 270). I personally would see it as a huge step if Orlando’s government branched out to the group for support. Wishful thinking, but one will never know.


With everything at an end, I am extremely proud of everything my group has done for Animal Safehouse of Brevard. I personally feel like we all put in hard work to get the organization known to those around us. We wanted to have people know that they were helping poor animals, but also giving a violence victim a chance to recover. Seeing how people contributed to our donation drive event, and even small donations throughout the semester, I believe we completed a very successful project and helped out the poor domestic-home violent victims and their loving pets.

Kirk, Gwyn and Okazawa-Rey, Margo. "Violence Against Women." Women's Lives Multicultural Perspectives. 5th Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010. 257-273.

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