Sunday, April 4, 2010

Activism Log # 7

Seabury Stoneburner

Nina Perez

WST 3015

4 April 2010

Activism Log 7


After this past week the collection of donations I had increased. While I was home in Jacksonville, Florida, for Easter, I decided to table again in my neighborhood for more support. In Jacksonville, I took in mind that my goal was to collect donations instead of getting people to become foster parents. I was able to spread the awareness of the program the people in my neighborhood and


The more I spend time with Animal Safehouse of Brevard the more I become aware of exactly how many women are victims of domesticated violence from their intimate others. In the atmosphere I grew up in, I was generally unaware of most of these incidents I would rarely hear about it for a brief moment when the news was on; however, there are far more incidents that occur without being reported “Although violence between intimate partners is illegal in this country, it is seriously under-reported” (Kirk 263). I believe many people are blind to these facts and many would put effort in to help, like me, if they actually knew about all of it.


Most people believe that home is considered a safe zone and source of comfort “For many women and children, however, home is not a safe place but one where they experience emotional or physical violence” (260). I even believed that just from my experience of growing up with a loving, dear family. Alerting people maybe hard to do; however, it is extremely important for them to know that not everyone has the same lifestyle as them. It can be shocking to many that home maybe the last place someone might want to go, in fear that violence is the only thing that awaits for them. Hopefully through working with Animal Safehouse of Brevard and spreading the information around about how many families and their pets suffer, people will contribute more time into helping families obtain their normal, healthy lifestyle.

Kirk, Gwyn and Okazawa-Rey, Margo. "Violence Against Women." Women's Lives Multicultural Perspectives. 5th Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010. 257-273.

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