Saturday, February 20, 2010

Activism Log # 2

Seabury Stoneburner

Nina Perez

WST 3015

20 February 2010

Activism Log # 2


With two weeks into our project, I would say my group and I are on the right path in our service-learning project. We have all kept in touch with brainstorming for possible places to hold our “signing” event. There have been many good ideas. On Monday, Katelyn and I are planning on swinging by some of these possible places to ask if they would be interested in us hosting a small event at their place. Also, we are going to ask for permission to hang fliers in the windows of different locations and businesses to advertise the event. On Sunday I am meeting Andee at the dog park in Winter Park to bring the awareness of Animal Safehouse to the people who bring their own pets there. I feel like I am doing a pretty good job being active with this group while being a full time student. The more involved I am with this group, the more determined I am to continue pointing out exactly how important this program is to suffering women and their pets.


This past week has been pretty similar to the first week. Even though we mapped out a plan last week, we still had to go through and determine what would actually be possible and scratch out ideas that were more than likely not going to happen. Once again, through this process the “Twelve Step Method”, from Fight Like A Girl (Seely 19), was used to help us complete our organization. Through communication through emails and a few in-person meetings, the whole group still seems to be on the same page with what our main goals is.


As I help out Animal Safehouse I feel a small sort of accomplishment. Even though a few things I have done have pretty much been talking to a small amount of people at dogs parks, I still feel as though I have opened a few eyes to the importance of this program. Getting people to become aware of the situation is important and needs to be stressed to many more. If people are educated about what Animal Safehouse actually does, I feel as though more would be involve and support it. I am looking forward to going to the dog park on Sunday in attempts to tell more people and get support. I want to help these women who are suffering and let them know it is okay to leave their pets because they will most certainly be in the care of loving hands.

Seely, Megan. Fight Like a Girl: How to be a Fearless Feminist. New York and London: New York UP, 2007. Print.

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